Door-to-door, uplift-to-downlift, and everything in between. Defence Pets is your all inclusive Pet transport specialist.


Residence Collection, delivery & transfers

With doors wide open and so much going on, the last thing you want is your pets roaming around. Why not let us collect and deliver right to your door. Your pet will be collected in a climate-controlled, state of the art vehicle by our pet handling specialists and transported to premium holding facilities before travelling.



Your pets will travel more comfortable than most! They have their own private section of the cargo area with no snorers. They have access to constant water, so no waiting for the drinks cart. The area is climate controlled just like the main cabin and dimly lit to aid some much needed rest from their exciting day.

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During transit, while waiting for a house, we can provide boarding for the duration between your uplift and downlift. We use many affiliated boarding facilities all over the country. However, if you have a preferred boarding facility we can certainly arrange for collection to, or delivery from your facility.

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Comfort Stops

Where we cannot avoid a lengthy stop over between flights, our quote also includes a comfort stop built into the airline charges. Staff members will go down to the airport to check on your pets, take them out of their crates to give them a toilet break, stretch their legs, top up their water and clean out their crate if need be as well. 

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We take the time to check actual flight schedules, boarding availability and transfers. There are no hidden fees to our quotes and if there are no changes to your move, our quote is exactly what you pay.